
Helping to solve the world water crisis.

Well Locations in the DRC

Our drill team has now drilled 75 water wells in Équateur Province, DRC. Below are the first 33 well locations. We will be auditing and mapping the remaining wells (and new wells drilled) on our next trip to the DRC in late 2022 or early 2023.


    #   LOCATION

  1. Bokilimba
  2. Lycee Nsang’e a Ndotsi
  3. 10e Paroisse
  4. Centre Mama Sandra/Bolenge
  5. Residence Presicom
  6. Poste de Monieka
  7. Poste de Lotumbe
  8. Centre d’acceuil Losanganya
  9. Av Royal/Ville
  10. Secretariat General
  11. ICC/Bolenge
  12. 4e Rue Bolenge
  13. 2e Rue Bolenge
  14. EP Mokumba/Bolenge
  15. EP Polele/Bolenge
  16. Av. Clinique/Ville
  17. Av. Bodjia/Mbandaka II
  18. Av Maternite/Ville
  19. Nouvelle Cite/Mbandaka II
  20. Av Epervier
  21. Hopital de Bolenge
  22. SECLI1
  23. SECLI 2
  24. Bokilimba
  25. Residence Poste de Mbandaka
  26. Besenge
  27. Air Congo
  28. Ikongowasa
  29. Cadelu MBK3
  30. Prison Centrale
  31. Paroisse Bongondjo
  32. Village Bakala
  33. Commune de Wangata

To learn more about our well locations and other points of interest, you can zoom in on any of the locations shown, or expand the map by clicking on the Full Screen icon in the upper right corner. 

By clicking on any of the well or point of interest icons, you can find additional information for each item.